30 Day Challenge

19 Jul

Alright friends. I’m sure from many of my last posts you can tell that I focus alot on trying to find balance in life, and on trying to enjoy all the little things, because the big things are rare and far apart, and if you wait to celebrate only those life won’t have much color at all. So, since my birthday was not long ago, I wanted to find a way to encourage myself to find balance, to start the next year of my life off with improvement, and courage too, because I certainly doubt that I will succeed at this!
However, I wanted to make the 30 day challenge known to you, so that if you are brave and looking for something new, you can jump in as well. So, without further ado, here is the challenge I’ve created for myself and, just maybe, for you. Will you do it? Comment and let me know if you plan on jumping in too, we can encourage each other through it then. The challenge, for me, starts today, but feel free to start it tomorrow or Wednesday if that’s when you first hear about it. Just remember: 30 days only!

Challenge Part 1: Emotional
*Write 2 snail-mail letters of thanks or encouragement in the next 30 days
*Journal 3 days a week for 30 days
*Go to bed before midnight 2x per week for 30 days
*Choose 1 goal (1 thing you really want or place you really want to go) and begin saving money towards it. Make a solid plan to achieve your goal.
* Listen to 1 song at least 5 nights a week, doing nothing else except listening to the song.

Challenge Part 2: Spiritual
*Keep a prayer journal for 30 days
* Memorize Isaiah 53
*Read 1 chapter of Proverbs every day
*Listen to 2 sermons or talks on cd or podcast or whatever in the next 30 days
*Read Hosea once in the next 30 days

Challenge Part 3: Mental
*Read any C.S. Lewis book in the next 30 days
* Read 3 nonfiction books in the next 30 days (you may include the Lewis book if it is, in fact, nonfiction)
*Practice a skill of yours 2x a week for 30 days (for me, this is piano)
*Write down one new thing you learn each day for 30 days

Challenge Part 4: Physical
*Choose 1 unhealthy food to avoid for 30 days (for me, chips)
*Exercise 20 minutes 3x/week for 30 days
*Lift weights 5x per week
*Drink 3 glasses of water a day for 30 days
* Eat 1 veggie and 1 fruit every day for 30 days
*Floss every day for 30 days

Yep, it’s a big challenge. And you will see that in some ways this challenge is geared towards to one I wrote it for originally: me. So, if you feel like something in one of the categories just would have absolutely no benefit for you whatsoever or wouldn’t be much of a challenge, feel free to replace that item with something that will challenge you.
Good luck everyone! Let me know how it goes!

One Response to “30 Day Challenge”

  1. Lynn July 19, 2010 at 11:02 pm #

    I like it! I'm onboard for the challenge. 🙂 I like how the last few resemble the goals we set at school. haha

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